Monday 8 July 2019

Raindrops Keep Falling on His Head

"The TelePrompter went out.  It just went out – it went kaput."
-- Trump, explaining his idiotic gaffe during his Tank Parade Day speech

Yes, this is from the man who ridiculed President Obama from using a TelePrompter.  And slammed Hilary Clinton for using a big TelePrompter.  But when it comes to his just went kaput.

Sort of like his whole taxpayer-funded Tank Parade Campaign Event.

And what was Mr. Science's explanation for the problem.  "I guess the rain knocked out the TelePrompter."  At least he used the words "I guess."  I'm not suggesting that there wasn't a perfectly good reason for the TelePrompter to go out.  And maybe it was the rain.  Or not.  The thing explanation is really needed.  It went out, big deal.  But he has to blame someone, has to blame something.  It's Not My Fault.  And no, it wasn't his fault.  But he had to make sure you knew that.  Except the thing is -- the isn't about "why" the TelePrompter went out -- I'm quite certain that almost no one especially cares why -- the issue is a) the idiotic thing he said after the TelePrompter went kaput, and b) that he was publicly acknowledged using a TelePrompter (which, of course, he regularly does, even if he doesn't acknowledge it) after regularly slamming others for using a TelePrompter.

And Trump, being Trump, still had to praise himself for how great he was, even while being laughed at for its stupidity.  "I knew the speech very well," he said, "so I was able to do it without a TelePrompter. And it was hard to look at it anyway."

I assume he's referring to the TelePrompter being hard to look at.  I prefer to interpret it as meaning Trump giving his Tank Parade Day political rally speech.

And what was it that he said when he vamped without a TelePrompter?  He extolled praise of the American Continental Army protecting the airports during the Revolutionary War.

Actually, the whole passage on the Continental Army was a jumbled mess, though admittedly he did outdo himself when talking about protecting the airports.  He said -- 

"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant."

Perhaps messing up and rambling and thinking we had airports to defend in 1775 was all the rain's fault.  After all, we know he didn't want to be in the rain in France and so missed honoring the soldiers who died in war.  So, maybe it's a good thing he didn't go and talk there.  (Maybe.  But of course he should have been there, even if it just stood in a moment of silence.  Though "standing in silence" is a good suggestion for Trump under pretty much any circumstance.)

And as much as "airports" in 1775 got the attention, maybe the rain also disoriented him enough to not screw up that Fort McHenry under the rocket's red glare actually took place during the War of 1812.  Who knows?  Maybe.  Just maybe.  Anyone can be disoriented by the rain so much that they can screw up history that's the core of both our nation's founding and much later the writing of its national anthem.  And maybe too the rain caused the webcams live-streaming the sparsely populated event right before the parade began.  Maybe.  Maybe it was the rain's fault, as well.

His TelePrompter went out supposedly because of the rain.  Maybe.  Who cares?  It's everything else that was kaput.

from Mix ID 8321060

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