Wednesday 26 June 2019

Having an Axios to Grind

A couple weeks ago, Axios had a major scoop for its Sunday show on HBO when its fine reporter Jonathan Swan managed to get an incredibly rare interview with Jared Kushner, who did not do well.

This week, they had another one, though of a different variety.  Not an interview, but a major leak of the documents that the Trump transition team used to set up its administration.  Swan called the documents "one of the most significant leaks that the site had ever received," according to Raw Story.

A few things stand out.  One is that because of Kushner's personal hatred of Chris Christie (who, as a prosecutor, had put Kushner's father in prison), all of Christie's material that he'd put together as head of the transition was taken with him when he got fired.  That left a team of inexperienced, young staffers to work on the transition, scrambling to vet the people would lead cabinet departments, reduced to using Google and the Lexis/Nexis for their research.

Another eye-opener is that this new staff would use "red flags" if they perceived a problem. And one such "red flag" was for Gen. David Petraeus who was being considered by the administration to be Secretary of State.  And what was this "red flag" cause of concern, I hear you ask?  It was because he was...against torture!!  Yes,being against was considered a negative to Trump.
What has perhaps gotten the most headlines for this story is the "red flag" for former Nebraska Secretary of State Kris Kobach who was being vetted as the possible head of the Department of Homeland Security.  The concern here was that Mr. Kobach might have a "political vulnerability" of -- white supremacist.  To be clear, the Trump administration thought that white supremacy was a "political vulnerability"...not a human decency vulnerability.

The good news is that Kris Kobach was not named Secretary of DHS.  Left of of the article was the bad news -- the Trump administration did hire Kobach.  They made him vice-chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.  He served under Vice President Pence who was chairman, but is practice was the committee's "operational leader."

So, that means a man the Trump administration believed had a political vulnerability with white supremacy ran the presidential committee of election integrity.  Given the Mueller Report finding of multiple instances of Trump team contacts with Russia, turning a blind eye to Russian actions and happily accepting the efforts of Russia to cyberattack the U.S. on behalf of Trump (also known as...say it all together -- "collusion"), the bitter irony of this is not lost on sentient human beings.

If you're like to read Axios's own article on the story, including the posting of numerous of the document, you can read it

And this is a three-minute segment of the broadcast where they show a blunt Chris Christie the vetting material on himself before he was fired.

from Mix ID 8321060

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