Wednesday 26 June 2019

Last Week Tonight Last Night

If you missed last night's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, the main story was an interesting one about Mount Everest.  Beginning with the peak first being surmounted by Sir Edmund Hilary and his sherpa guide Tensing Norgay, it has almost turned into a circus, but a very dangerous one.

This was of particular interest to me because back in the 1980s, my dad Ed took a trek into the Himalayas -- it was NOT up Mount Everest, and it was not even any sort of mountain climbing (all of which were the point of the show's report), though more of a strenuous hike with camping.  But even though his trek has zero to do with what John Oliver was addressing, it still leaped out to me because the sherpa guide for my dad's trip was...the renowned Tensing Norgay!  Over the next few decades, my dad always spoke with great love and pride of that trip and great admiration for Tensing.  

A fun, related family-story.  When my dad took his trek, he cleared it first with his cardiologist because the previous year he had had quadruple-bypass surgery.  He was in good-enough health to get the okay -- but the amusing thing is that when he described the upcoming trip to his cardiologist...the doctor became so fascinated by it that he himself signed up for the trip!  So, as my dad always quipped, you're going to take a trek in the Himalayas after having had quadruple heart-bypass surgery, the absolute best way to do it is with your personal cardiologist along.

from Mix ID 8321060

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